On-line Journals
  • Neos Libraries' Catalogue

    - Master list of journal collections in the Northern Alberta library system. Enter the title of the journal.


    - Major statistical - and other - journals up to 3 - 5 years ago.

  • Project Euclid

    - Annals of Statistics, Probability, Applied Probability; Statistical Science, Advances in Applied Probability, Journal of Applied Probability and others. Some are open access, others require membership in sponsoring organizations.

  • Science Direct

    - Their master list. Enter a journal title.

  • Department list
Search Engines Impact Factors Individual Titles
  • A listing of web pages for journals in statistics and probability. These are generally the home pages of the journals. To get electronic access to articles, it is often easier to merely cut and paste the journal name into the Neos or Science Direct window - but omit 'The' at the beginning of a journal name, when doing this. You might also need to replace '&' by 'and'.