Statistics 252

Instructors: Summary

We welcome you as a lab instructor in Stat 252 for Fall Term 2012. The following information will be important to you as the lab instructor:

1. Software

All labs in Stat 252 will be held in PC labs in Windows 7 environment. You will be using SPSS version 20 . SPSS is one of the most widely used and well-liked statistical software packages available for PC. It can take data from almost any type of file and use them to generate summary reports, charts, descriptive statistics, and complex statistical analyses. Most tasks can be accomplished simply by pointing and clicking the mouse. You should check your lab room before the first lab session to get familiar with the computer interface and projectors.

2. First Lab Session

Labs in Stat 252 will start on Monday, September 10, 2012. The Introductory Lab (Doing Statistics with SPSS) will be discussed in the first week of labs, September 10-14. The Introductory Lab should be treated as a reference material. We do not expect the students to get familiar with all the SPSS features discussed there in the first lab session. Students are not required to submit any work in the lab session.

Students should be strongly encouraged to save their work both on the AICT file server and on a portable storage device (USB drive). Using a floppy may lead to loss of data when the disk is damaged or corrupted. Please demonstrate in the second lab how to save files on the AICT server using the AICT GPU account..

2. Lab Assignments

There are five assignments in the course. Before the students start working on any lab assignment, they should first get familiar with the lecture material and then with the computer instructions included in the SPSS manual.

The students will have approximately two weeks to work on each assignment. You should give an introduction to the topics of the current lab in the first week only. You should spend approximately 20-30 minutes at the start of the lab explaining the lab assignment problems in the context of SPSS implementation.

There are five lab assignments in the course. The due dates are provided in the following table:

Due Date
Sept. 17 - Sept. 21
Friday, Sept. 28, by 10:00 PM
Oct. 1 - Oct. 5 Friday, Oct. 12, by 10:00 PM
Oct. 15 - Oct. 19
Friday, Nov. 2, by 10:00 PM
Oct. 29 - Nov. 2 Tuesday, Nov.20, by 10:00 PM
Nov. 21 – Nov. 27 Tuesday, Dec. 4, by 10:00 PM

A student who cannot complete a lab assignment because of an incapacitating illness, severe domestic affliction or other compelling reasons can apply to their course instructor for a transfer of the weight of the missed lab to the final exam. The application should be made within 48 hours of the missed lab assignment due date.

Late or misplaced lab assignments will not be graded and will result in a zero recorded for that assignment.

You should pick up the lab assignments next working day by noon at the latest. The solutions to the lab assignments will be posted on the Internet next working day late afternoon. The assignments should be handed in to the wooden box outside CAB 331 by the due date. There are several slots in the box, each of them labeled with the name of the lab instructor and the section number. Pick up the key to the lab assignment box from the General Office.

3. Marking Lab Assignments

You will be marking the assignments in your sections. Obtain class lists from the appropriate instructors. It is very convenient to keep a copy of all your records as an Excel file. At the end of the term you should return the file with your grades to the course instructor.

For each lab assignment in the course, the detailed solutions with marking schema are provided on the site. Please stick to the marking schema while marking the assignments, in this way we will maintain a uniform standard across all Stat 252 lab sections. In the last year we received many complaints from students about inconsistency in marking among lab instructors.

Labs should be handed back in the lab in the first lab period after they are graded. It is your responsibility to record the scores for each lab assignment. Return the marked assignments to the students as soon as possible. You are not allowed to leave the marked assignments outside your office. The grades should not appear on the cover sheet (FOIPP).

4. Accessibility outside the class

You are not required to provide office hours, but give the students your e-mail address and answer systematically the received messages from the students regarding the labs. This will make it easier for students to work on their lab assignments at home and at times other than assigned laboratory hours. Though you may answer quick questions about labs, you are not required to provide detailed lab instructions through e-mail.

5. Lab Exam

The lab exam will be held at the end of the term. The exam will be held outside regular lab sessions. The date of the exam will be announced later. Some of you may be requested to assist in administering the exams.

6. Grading

It is recommended thta you submit the raw lab scores for each student in an Excel file to the corresponding course instructor. Nevertheless, some course instructors may ask you to calculate the overall percentage score for each student in your section. This score is based on the five lab assignments in the course. The score for the lab exam is not included in the score.

With Excel, it is very easy to calculate the overall percentage by entering an appropriate formula for one student and copying it down for the remaining students. The following formula should be used to calculate the overall percentage score for the five lab assignments in the course:

formula used to calculate the overall percentage score

where Lab1,…, Lab5 are the scores obtained by a particular student, MaxLab1,…, MaxLab5 are the maximum scores for each of the five lab assignments.

7. Submitting the Grades

Return the class book to the Department Office, not to the course instructor. The Department Office is supposed to receive the class book from you not later than one week after the lab exam. Moreover, give a copy of the class book to the course instructor. The class book should include the raw scores of the five lab assignments, the lab exam score, and overall percentage for each student.

Statistical Laboratories Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, University of Alberta