Statistics 235

Instructors: Announcements

  1. The labs in Stat 235 will start on Monday, September 10, 2012. You will be using Excel 2010 in the labs in Windows 7 environment.
  2. All lab materials for Stat 235 students are available at In order to view or print out all the lab materials from your home computer, you have to download the program Acrobat Reader (available free from the Web site). The program is installed in all campus labs.
  3. Get familiar with your lab room before the first lab session. In particular, check the instructor’s workstation, operation of the projector and the printer. Notice that in order to access the CNS network, you have to have an active GPU account.
  4. The Introductory Lab: Doing Statistics with Excel will be discussed In the first lab session. You will discuss the basic features of Microsoft Excel that are essential for the labs. You should spend about 15-20 minutes to get your students familiar with the basic software features. In the remaining time students are supposed to go over the Introductory Lab instructions on their own. The instructions are very detailed and self-explanatory. You will provide assistance when requested. The students are not required to submit any work in the lab session.
Statistical Laboratories Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, University of Alberta