Statistics 151


  1. Software: The statistical software package StatCrunch will be used in the labs. The software is installed on the University web server and you will be able to access it from your home computer to complete your lab work when needed.
  2. Stat 151 Labs Website: The Web site contains all lab materials to be used in Stat 151. There is no hard-copy manual available. The program Acrobat Reader is required to view and print these instructional materials. Campus Computing ID (CCID) and password are required to access the lab materials in the campus labs.
  3. Backup: Students are expected to keep a backup of your lab work both on your personal portable storage device (floppy, USB Flash drive, zip drive) and in your home directory on AICT's campus file system (called AFS). Using a floppy only may lead to loss of data when the disk is damaged or corrupted, you will not be excused in this case! In order to access your AFS home directory, you will have to enter your Campus Computing ID (CCID) and your password.
  4. Introductory Lab: Introduction to StatCrunch 5.0 will be discussed In the first lab session. You should provide the attending students with basic StatCrunch features that are essential for the labs. The instructions on Stat 151 Labs website should be helpful in your preparation. The students are not required to submit any work in the lab session.
Statistical Laboratories Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, University of Alberta